Translations:Раздел "Контент на устройства"/1/en
Материал из SmartPlayer
"Content on Devices" Section
In the SmartPlayer personal account, there is a section named "Content on Devices".
In this section, you can apply content to a specific device and set a schedule for it.
The structure of the section divides it into three blocks:
- Creating a broadcast
- Devices
- Schedule
Each block can only be used sequentially. That is, without the selected content in "Creating a Broadcast", it is impossible to move to the following blocks. The user will be informed about this through a pop-up notification at the bottom.
Operational Logic
As described above, these blocks work in a sequential order, so they will be described following the same principle.
"Creating a Broadcast" Block
Upon entering the "Content on Devices" section, the first thing the user will see is the "Creating a Broadcast" section.
This block can also be divided into several zones:
- Content working area
- Content search area
- Content area