Translations:Раздел "Отчёты"/11/en

Материал из SmartPlayer

Survey Report

This feature allows you to generate a report based on surveys. It includes a list of parameters on which the report is built.

General view of the "Survey Report" section

Parameters for generating the report:

  1. Start date - the date from which the report collection begins.
  2. End date - the end date up to which the report is collected.
  3. Period - allows you to select the period for collecting the report using a dropdown window with various period options. The available periods are: one day, one week, one month, any period.
  4. Start time - the time from which the report collection begins.
  5. End time - the time up to which the report is collected.
  6. Checkbox/send copy to email - allows sending the report to the email linked to the user dashboard.

If all settings are configured, the user can start the report creation process by clicking the "Create report" button.