Translations:Формирование отчета по объявлениям/2/en

Материал из SmartPlayer


The user needs to access the "Report" section in their personal account. Then, on the page that opens, the user should navigate to the "Advertisements" category.

Example of the starting page display for an advertisement report.

On the main page of the "Advertisements" section, the user must fill in the parameters for collecting the report.

Display of parameters for creating an advertisement report.

These parameters include:

  • Start date
  • End date
  • Period
  • Start time
  • End time
  • Checkbox to send a copy to email

Next, the user should select a device or a group of devices with advertisements from which the report will be compiled.

Location of the device area for compiling a report on advertisements.
The search window can help in selecting devices with advertisements. Various parameters can be set in it, for example:
  • Use the search bar
  • Set one of the three types of advertisements that will be used for the report: completed, current, future.
  • Sort advertisements by creation date and alphabetically (from A to Z).
  • The ability to select/deselect all advertisements at once using a checkbox.
  • Change the display of devices with advertisements to either a tile or a list view.
Search bar capabilities in the advertisement reports section.

The selected devices with advertisements are displayed in the sidebar on the right.

Display of devices selected for the report in the sidebar.

Finally, the user needs to click on the "Create Report" button.
At this point, the report collection begins on the screen.

Display of the report being generated.

After the report collection is finished, the completed report on advertisements will be first in the queue and have a green status.

Display of the completed report.

This report needs to be selected with a mouse click and moved to the sidebar on the right. In this sidebar, there are several options for working with the compiled report. These options include:

  • Download - allows downloading the compiled report to the device.
  • Delete - allows deleting a previously compiled report from the list.
  • Close - allows deselecting the report and returning the sidebar to its original state.
Display of options for downloading the advertisement report.