Раздел "Обзор"/en: различия между версиями

Материал из SmartPlayer
(Новая страница: «=== '''"Storage Usage Statistics" Area''' === The "Storage Usage Statistics" area provides a brief summary of the use of internal storages in the company/user's personal account. The displayed information will be divided into statistical and functional. center|thumb|General view of the "Storage usage statistics" zone|800px Statistical Information: * Conte...»)
(Новая страница: «=== '''Zone "Server traffic statistics for the current day"''' === "Server Traffic Statistics for the Current Day" Area provides a brief overview of the incoming and outgoing traffic in the personal account for the day. center|thumb|General view of the "Traffic statistics for the current day" zone|800px The traffic statistics for the current day are divi...»)
Строка 52: Строка 52:
* Delete Screenshot History - deletes data from the screenshot folder, which were obtained from the device, and resets the counter.
* Delete Screenshot History - deletes data from the screenshot folder, which were obtained from the device, and resets the counter.
* Delete Unused Content - deletes content that has not been used in the system for more than two weeks.
* Delete Unused Content - deletes content that has not been used in the system for more than two weeks.
<div lang="ru" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== '''Zone "Server traffic statistics for the current day"''' ===
=== '''Зона "Статистика трафика сервера за текущий день"''' ===
"Server Traffic Statistics for the Current Day" Area provides a brief overview of the incoming and outgoing traffic in the personal account for the day.  
Зона "Статистика трафика сервера за текущий день" даёт краткую информацию о входящем и исходящем трафике в личном кабинете за день.  
[[File:Общий_вид_зоны_статистика_трафика_за_текущий_день.png|center|thumb|General view of the "Traffic statistics for the current day" zone|800px]]
[[File:Общий_вид_зоны_статистика_трафика_за_текущий_день.png|center|thumb|Общий вид зоны "Статистика трафика за текущий день"|800px]]
The traffic statistics for the current day are divided into two areas:
Статистика трафика за текущий день делится на две области:
Incoming Traffic - the volume of information coming into the personal account.
* Входящий трафик - объём информации приходящие в личный кабинет
* Outgoing Traffic - the volume of information sent from the personal account.
* Исходящий трафик - объём информации отправленной из личного кабинета
Hovering over one of the areas highlights it and provides detailed information about specific traffic volumes.<br>
При наведении на одну из областей происходит ее подсвечивании и приводиться подробная информация об конкретных объемах трафика.<br>
Within this area, there is a clickable button in the bottom right labeled "More Statistics". Clicking on it will open a window where you need to set the parameters for the report.<br>
Внутри данной зоны располагается справу-внизу кликабельная кнопка "Больше статистики". При нажатии на нее откроется окно, в котором необходимо выставить параметры для отчета.<br>
The report parameters include::
Параметрами для отчета являеются:
* Start Date - the starting point for creating the report.
* Дата начала - точка отсчёта для создания отчёта.
* End Date - the ending point for creating the report.
* Дата окончания - завершающая точка для создания отчёта.
After setting these parameters, you can click the "Create Report" button, and the system will compile and gather data for the intervals set by the user. If this action is not needed, you can click the "Close" button.<br>
После выставления данных параметров, можно нажать кнопку "Создать отчёт" и система произведёт компиляцию и сборку данных по промежуткам выставленным пользователем. Если данное действие ненужно - можно нажать кнопку "Закрыть".<br>
After compiling the report, the user will be redirected to another page with traffic reports.
После сбора отчёта пользователя перенесет на другую страницу с отчётами о трафике.
[[File:Список_отчётов_трафик.png|center|thumb|Traffic report page
[[File:Список_отчётов_трафик.png|center|thumb|Страница отчёта о трафике|800px]]
После создания отчёта можно кликнуть по нему и сделать несколько манипуляций в правом тулбаре:
After creating a report, you can click on it and perform several actions in the right toolbar:
* Скачать отчёт
* Download Report
* Удалить отчёт
* Delete Report
* Закрыть окно тулбара
* Close Toolbar Window
=== '''Зона "Сводка о пользователе"''' ===
=== '''User Summary Zone''' ===
Зона "Сводка о пользователе" даёт краткую информацию о данных пользователя.
"User Summary" Area provides a brief overview of user data.
[[File:Общий_вид_зоны_сводка_о_пользователе.png|center|thumb|Общий вид зоны "Сводка о пользователе"|800px]]
[[File:Общий_вид_зоны_сводка_о_пользователе.png|center|thumb|General view of the "User Summary" zone|800px]]
В эти данные входит:
This data includes:
* Почта - электронная почта, к которой привязан личный кабинет
* Email - the email address associated with the personal account
* Имя пользователя - имя пользователя внутри личного кабинета
* Username - the user's name within the personal account
* Последний вход - указывается дата последнего входа
* Last Login - indicates the date of the last login
* Роли администратора - выданная для пользователя роль в личном кабинете
* Administrator Roles - the role assigned to the user in the personal account
В данной зоне есть информации об общем количестве пользователей в компании. Она располагается справа-внизу этой зоны.
In this area, there is information about the total number of users in the company. It is located in the bottom right of this zone.
[[File:Количество_пользователей.png|center|thumb|Информация об общем количестве пользователей в компании|800px]]
[[File:Количество_пользователей.png|center|thumb|Information about the total number of users in the company|800px]]
=== '''"Active Sessions" Area''' ===
<div lang="ru" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The "Active Sessions" area provides a brief overview of users accessing the personal account.
=== '''Зона "Активные сессии"''' ===
[[File:Общий_вид_зоны_активные_сессии.png|center|thumb|General view of the "Active Sessions" zone|800px]]
Зона "Активные сессии" даёт краткую информацию о пользователях, использующих личный кабинет.
This information includes:
[[File:Общий_вид_зоны_активные_сессии.png|center|thumb|Общий вид зоны "Активные сессии"|800px]]
* IP Address - logs the user's IP address
В эту информацию входит:
* Tabs - indicates the number of open tabs
* Ip - адрес - записывается IP-адрес пользователя
* User Agent - provides brief information about the user's system and browser
* Вкладки - указывается количество открытых вкладок
Also, if several users access the personal account simultaneously, all of them and their data will be reflected in this area simultaneously.
* User Agent - описывается краткая информация о системе пользователя и его браузере
=== '''General information area''' ===
Также, если несколько пользователей зайдут в личный кабинет одновременно, все они и их данные единовременно отразятся в данной зоне.
The "General Information" Area includes clickable buttons and overview data.
=== '''Зона "Общая информация"''' ===
[[File:Общий_вид_зоны_общая_информация.png|center|thumb|General view of the "General Information" zone|800px]]
Зона "Общая информация" включает в себя кликабельные кнопки и обзорные данные.
The clickable buttons include:
[[File:Общий_вид_зоны_общая_информация.png|center|thumb|Общий вид зоны "Общая информация"|800px]]
* Documentation - a link that redirects to the official SmartPlayer Wiki. Located at the bottom left of the page.
К кликабельным кнопкам относятся:
* Refresh - this button updates the server information. Located at the bottom left. Updates automatically every 10 minutes, as indicated next to the button. The timer resets when navigating to another section and returning back to the "Overview" section, as well as when refreshing the page (pressing the "F5" key).<br>
* Документация - это ссылка позволяющая перейти на официальную Wiki SmartPlayer. Располагается слева внизу страницы.
In this area, there's also a warning about passwords, indicating that all users will be logged out and "kicked out" of all sessions when the password is changed.
* Обновить - это кнопка обновляет информацию о сервере. Располагается слева внизу. Обновляется автоматические раз в 10 минут, о чём говорится в строке рядом с кнопкой. Таймер сбрасывается при переходе в другой раздел и возвращении обратно в раздел "Обзор", а также при обновлении страницы (нажатии клавиши "F5")<br>
[[File:Выход_из_всех_сессий.png|center|thumb|Warning information. Located at the bottom right.|800px]]
В данной зоне также показывается предупреждающая информация о паролях, сообщающая о том, что всех пользователей разлогинит и "выбросит" из всех  сессий при смене пароля.  
== '''Final Result''' ==
[[File:Выход_из_всех_сессий.png|center|thumb|Информация с предупреждением. Располагается внизу справа.|800px]]
The user knows and understands the information provided by the "Overview" section of the personal account and knows how to utilize the features of this section.
== '''Итоговый результат''' ==
Пользователь знает и понимает какую предоставляет раздел "Обзор" личного кабинета, а также умеет использовать возможности этого раздела.

Текущая версия от 13:07, 9 октября 2023

"Overview" section

In the SmartPlayer personal account, the key section for any user is the "Overview" section. This section is essentially the main page for any user.
The entire section is divided into a large number of zones that provide various information for the user about their personal account. All these zones will be described below on this page.

Zone "Device Summary"

The "Device Summary" zone provides a brief overview of the number of devices used by this company/user. All used devices have specific statuses.

General view of the "Device Summary" zone

Device statuses used in this zone:

  • Online - marked in green and shows the number of online devices.
  • Offline - marked in black and shows the number of offline devices.
  • Error - marked in red and shows the number of devices that encountered an error during operation.
  • Virtual - marked in gray and shows the number of used virtual devices.
  • In drafts - marked in gray and displays devices added using a special distribution. This distribution connects devices to the server.

There is also an information line with the total number of devices in the company.

Row "Number of devices"

Zone "Gas Station Columns Summary"

The "Gas Station Columns Summary" zone provides a brief overview of the number of gas station columns used by this company/user. All used devices have specific statuses.

General view of the area "Summary of gas station steles"

Statuses used in this zone:

  • Online - marked in green and shows the number of columns online.
  • Offline - marked in black and shows the number of columns offline.
  • Error - marked in red and shows the number of columns that encountered an error during operation.
  • Updating - marked in gray and shows the number of columns being updated.
  • Not activated - marked in gray and shows the number of non-activated columns.

There is also an information line with the total number of columns in the company.

Line "Number of gas station steles"

Zone "Schedule Summary"

The "Schedule Summary" zone provides a brief overview of the number of schedules used on the devices of this company/user. The displayed information is divided into three main blocks and one additional block.

General view of the "Schedule Summary" zone

Main blocks:

  • Total schedules - displays the total number of schedules on all devices of the company/user.
  • Devices without a schedule - displays the total number of devices without schedules at the company/user.
  • Schedules for today - displays the number of schedules used today on the devices of the company/user.

The additional block is called - "Number of schedules on devices".

Line "Number of schedules per device"

"Storage Usage Statistics" Area

The "Storage Usage Statistics" area provides a brief summary of the use of internal storages in the company/user's personal account. The displayed information will be divided into statistical and functional.

General view of the "Storage usage statistics" zone

Statistical Information:

  • Content - the total volume of content used within the storage. Measured in GB. Graphically marked in blue on the scale.
  • Media Files of Devices and Groups - the total volume of media content located directly on the server itself. This data is not in the SmartPlayer system. Measured in GB. Graphically marked in turquoise on the scale.
  • Other - the total volume of files that do not fall under the main categories. It includes: OS, system files, third-party programs. Measured in GB. Graphically marked in bright green on the scale.
  • Reserved - the total volume of unallocated memory. Measured in GB. Graphically marked in gray on the scale.
  • Widget Preview Folder - the total volume allocated for the widget preview function. Measured in GB. Graphically marked in light green on the scale.
  • Screenshot Folder - the total volume allocated for screenshots. Measured in GB. Graphically marked in green on the scale.
  • Content Playback Statistics - the total volume allocated for information related to the data being played. Measured in GB. Graphically marked in dark green on the scale.

Scale Statistical Information: Used - the total volume of used memory. Marked in blue on the scale. Free - the total free memory volume. Marked in white on the scale.

Functional part of the "Storage usage statistics" zone

The functional part is represented by three capabilities:

  • Delete Widget Preview Files - deletes data from the widget preview folder and resets the counter.
  • Delete Screenshot History - deletes data from the screenshot folder, which were obtained from the device, and resets the counter.
  • Delete Unused Content - deletes content that has not been used in the system for more than two weeks.

Zone "Server traffic statistics for the current day"

"Server Traffic Statistics for the Current Day" Area provides a brief overview of the incoming and outgoing traffic in the personal account for the day.

General view of the "Traffic statistics for the current day" zone

The traffic statistics for the current day are divided into two areas: Incoming Traffic - the volume of information coming into the personal account.

  • Outgoing Traffic - the volume of information sent from the personal account.

Hovering over one of the areas highlights it and provides detailed information about specific traffic volumes.
Within this area, there is a clickable button in the bottom right labeled "More Statistics". Clicking on it will open a window where you need to set the parameters for the report.
The report parameters include::

  • Start Date - the starting point for creating the report.
  • End Date - the ending point for creating the report.

After setting these parameters, you can click the "Create Report" button, and the system will compile and gather data for the intervals set by the user. If this action is not needed, you can click the "Close" button.
After compiling the report, the user will be redirected to another page with traffic reports.

Traffic report page

After creating a report, you can click on it and perform several actions in the right toolbar:

  • Download Report
  • Delete Report
  • Close Toolbar Window

User Summary Zone

"User Summary" Area provides a brief overview of user data.

General view of the "User Summary" zone

This data includes:

  • Email - the email address associated with the personal account
  • Username - the user's name within the personal account
  • Last Login - indicates the date of the last login
  • Administrator Roles - the role assigned to the user in the personal account

In this area, there is information about the total number of users in the company. It is located in the bottom right of this zone.

Information about the total number of users in the company

"Active Sessions" Area

The "Active Sessions" area provides a brief overview of users accessing the personal account.

General view of the "Active Sessions" zone

This information includes:

  • IP Address - logs the user's IP address
  • Tabs - indicates the number of open tabs
  • User Agent - provides brief information about the user's system and browser

Also, if several users access the personal account simultaneously, all of them and their data will be reflected in this area simultaneously.

General information area

The "General Information" Area includes clickable buttons and overview data.

General view of the "General Information" zone

The clickable buttons include:

  • Documentation - a link that redirects to the official SmartPlayer Wiki. Located at the bottom left of the page.
  • Refresh - this button updates the server information. Located at the bottom left. Updates automatically every 10 minutes, as indicated next to the button. The timer resets when navigating to another section and returning back to the "Overview" section, as well as when refreshing the page (pressing the "F5" key).

In this area, there's also a warning about passwords, indicating that all users will be logged out and "kicked out" of all sessions when the password is changed.

Warning information. Located at the bottom right.

Final Result

The user knows and understands the information provided by the "Overview" section of the personal account and knows how to utilize the features of this section.