Раздел "Трансляции"/en: различия между версиями

Материал из SmartPlayer
(Новая страница: «===== '''Content Zone Work''' ===== The "Working with the Content Zone" category involves adding and setting up content. thumb|center| General view of the "Working with the Content Zone" category|800px The entire category can be divided into three areas: * Adding and settings for content - allows the following actions: move to the next/previous step, zoom in/out, stretch content to fill the zone while maintaining...»)
(Новая страница: «==== '''Content Zone''' ==== The content zone includes several components. thumb|center| Components of the "Content Zone" block|800px These components include: * Sorting by content type - allows selecting a specific type of content from those available.<br> * Available content types may include: all content, images, videos, music, documents, links, text, tables, widgets, content on a connected device. * The ability to a...»)
Строка 103: Строка 103:
* Upload file - allows uploading a file with content.
* Upload file - allows uploading a file with content.
* "Path" of content location - shows the "path" where all the content is stored.
* "Path" of content location - shows the "path" where all the content is stored.
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==== '''Content Zone''' ====
==== '''Зона контента''' ====
The content zone includes several components.
Зона контента включает в себя несколько составляющих.
[[File:Зона_контента.png|thumb|center| Components of the "Content Zone" block|800px]]
[[File:Зона_контента.png|thumb|center| Составляющие блока "Зона контента"|800px]]
These components include:
В эти составляющие входит:
* Sorting by content type - allows selecting a specific type of content from those available.<br>
* Сортировка по типу контента - позволяет выбрать конкретный вид контента из доступных.<br>
* Available content types may include: all content, images, videos, music, documents, links, text, tables, widgets, content on a connected device.
В качестве доступного контента может быть: весь контент, картинки, видео, музыка, документы, ссылки, текст, таблицы, виджет, контент на подключаемом устройстве.
* The ability to add a folder - allows adding a folder to the data storage.
* Возможность добавить папку - позволяет добавить папку в хранилище данных.
* The ability to add a widget - the ability to add a widget from the list of widgets available on the account.
* Возможность добавить виджет - возможность добавить виджет, из списка виджетов доступных на учетной записи.
* The list of available content - presents a general list of available content. The display of content changes depending on the sorting settings described above.
* Список доступного контента - представлен общий список доступного контента. Отображение контента изменяется в зависимости от описанных выше настроек сортировки.
=== '''"Upload Broadcast" Category''' ===
=== '''Категория "Загрузить трансляцию"''' ===
Clicking on the "Upload Broadcast" category will open the upload window. Through this window, the user can upload a broadcast.<br>
При нажатии на категорию "Загрузить трансляцию", пользователю откроется окно загрузки. С помощью этого окна пользователь может загрузить трансляцию.<br>
The broadcast to be uploaded must be in an archive format. During the upload process, a new window will appear showing the upload progress.
Загружаемая трансляция должна быть в формате архива. При процессе загрузки появится новое окно с прогрессом загрузки.
After the upload is complete, the broadcast will appear in the list.
После завершения загрузки трансляция появится в списке.
[[File:Пример_загруженной_трансляции.png|thumb|center| Example of a broadcast uploaded to the personal account|800px]]
[[File:Пример_загруженной_трансляции.png|thumb|center| Пример загруженной в личный кабинет трансляции|800px]]
After uploading, the new broadcast will appear in the list.
После загрузки новая трансляция появится в списке.
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=== '''Категория "Режим видеостены"''' ===
=== '''Категория "Режим видеостены"''' ===

Версия от 13:14, 2 февраля 2024

The "Broadcasts" Section

In the SmartPlayer personal account, one of the key sections with which the user will most frequently interact is the "Broadcasts" section.

Example of the "Broadcasts" section display in the personal account

In this section, the user can create various types of broadcasts, configure broadcast parameters, and apply ready-made broadcasts to devices.

Starting Page

Upon navigating to the broadcast creation page in the personal account, the user will be presented with the main page of the section. This section can be divided into two areas:

  • Broadcast search area
  • List of broadcasts area
Example of area displays in the "Broadcast" section

Search Area in the Broadcast Section

In this area, the user can change the display of ready-made broadcasts on the page.

Example of search area display

The user has the following options available:

  • Find a broadcast in the search bar
  • Set sorting: by creation date or in alphabetical order
  • The ability to select/deselect all broadcasts
  • Change the display of broadcasts: in a grid or list format

Broadcast List Area

In the broadcast list area, users can view all the currently available broadcasts.

Example of the broadcast list area display

The list of these capabilities includes:

  • Downloading a broadcast
  • Cloning a broadcast (creating a duplicate of the current broadcast)
  • Setting a schedule
  • Editing the schedule (a settings list identical to the one used when creating a broadcast will open)

Deleting the schedule

Example of settings related to broadcasting
Users can select one or more broadcasts by checking the box in the top right corner of the chosen broadcast. After selection, a sidebar with settings will appear on the right side of the screen.
Sidebar with a list of broadcast settings

In this sidebar, users can interact with the following settings:

  • Use the "-" icon to deselect the broadcast
  • Move selected broadcasts to another folder using the folder icon with an arrow
  • Delete selected broadcasts from the list of broadcasts

Categories of the "Broadcasts" Section

The "Broadcasts" section in the personal account is divided into four categories. These categories include:

  • The ability to create a broadcast
  • The ability to upload a broadcast
  • The ability to use video wall mode
  • The ability to add a folder
Example of the list of categories in the "Broadcasts" section

"Create Broadcast" Category

Upon entering the "Create Broadcast" category, the first thing users will see is a new window with a content area and the content itself.

Division of the "Create Broadcast" block into zones

This block can also be divided into several zones:

  • Content work area
  • Content search area
  • Content area

Content Work Area

The content work area is quite extensive and difficult to consider as a single system. Therefore, it's better to divide it into categories.

Division of the "Create Broadcast" block into zones

The content work area consists of three categories:

  • General broadcast settings
  • Working with the content zone
  • Working with the audio track
"General Broadcast Settings" Category

The general settings of the broadcast include information about the broadcast and several tabs. They can be opened by clicking on the content located in the broadcast zone. These details include:

  • Broadcast title - the name of the current broadcast is indicated
  • Broadcast settings - allows setting parameters such as: name, parent folder, specifying the width and height of the screen. To apply all settings, the "Save" button must be pressed.
List of settings

Save settings - allows saving the current broadcast settings. Do not save and close the editor - allows closing the editor without making changes to the broadcast.

Example of the "General Broadcast Settings" category
Content Zone Work

The "Working with the Content Zone" category involves adding and setting up content.

Файл:Области контента..png
General view of the "Working with the Content Zone" category

The entire category can be divided into three areas:

  • Adding and settings for content - allows the following actions: move to the next/previous step, zoom in/out, stretch content to fill the zone while maintaining/proportionately or to any size while keeping proportions, view content animation settings, add a table.
  • Content work area - the necessary content is added inside this area for the user. After adding content, double-clicking with the mouse can open additional settings for the content work area. In the opened settings, the following parameters can be set: a checkbox "Place content continuously over time", a checkbox "Loop mode for content in the zone", set the playback order, content name, start time of content, duration, layer level, frequency of appearance, left and right margins, width and height of content, transparency.
Additional settings for the "Content Zone"
  • Additional settings area - includes settings related to the timeline presentation mode (vertical, horizontal, and list), additional page settings (content duration in seconds and page volume level), and the ability to preview the broadcast.
Page settings
Audio Track Work

The "Working with the Audio Track" category involves interactions with audio.

Example of the "Working with the Audio Track" category

When working with audio, the following options are available:

  • Listen to the audio itself
  • Open sound track settings
  • Clicking on the icon will open a window with settings parameters.
  • Inside the parameters window, there are:
  • Basic parameters - shows the number of audio tracks and technical information.
Example of basic parameters
  • Additional parameters - allows setting various audio parameters.
  • Additional parameters are located to the right of the basic parameters and include three tabs:

In the audio track tab - you can change the volume for all content.

The "Audio Track" tab

In the tab, all selected content will be presented. In the auto-positioning tab, the following parameters can be set:

  • Write ad inserts
  • Set the volume level for ad content
  • Write background content
  • Set the volume level for background content
  • Set the playback order
  • Configure and calculate with a checkbox the possibility of alternating ad content on a permanent basis or temporarily (in seconds).
The "Auto-Positioning" tab parameters

Content Search Area

The content search area includes basic functionality for searching, sorting, and adding content.

Components of the "Content Search Area" block

The following settings are included in this area:

  • Search - allows finding a file with the needed content.
  • Change content display - changes the display from tile to list and back.
  • Upload file - allows uploading a file with content.
  • "Path" of content location - shows the "path" where all the content is stored.

Content Zone

The content zone includes several components.

Components of the "Content Zone" block

These components include:

  • Sorting by content type - allows selecting a specific type of content from those available.
  • Available content types may include: all content, images, videos, music, documents, links, text, tables, widgets, content on a connected device.
  • The ability to add a folder - allows adding a folder to the data storage.
  • The ability to add a widget - the ability to add a widget from the list of widgets available on the account.
  • The list of available content - presents a general list of available content. The display of content changes depending on the sorting settings described above.

"Upload Broadcast" Category

Clicking on the "Upload Broadcast" category will open the upload window. Through this window, the user can upload a broadcast.
The broadcast to be uploaded must be in an archive format. During the upload process, a new window will appear showing the upload progress. After the upload is complete, the broadcast will appear in the list.

Example of a broadcast uploaded to the personal account

After uploading, the new broadcast will appear in the list.

Категория "Режим видеостены"

При нажатии на категорию "Видеостена" открывается новое окно. В этом окне может настроить трансляции для работы в режиме видеостены.

Пример отображение стартовой страницы категории "Видеостена"

На странице можно выставить параметры необходимые для функционирования режима видеостены.

Параметры режима видеостены

В список параметров, которые необходимо настроить входят:

  • Возможность просмотреть расположение контента на устройствах
  • Указать количество экранов по горизонтали (в штуках)
  • Указать количество экранов по вертикали (в штуках)
  • Выбрать режим отображения контента: один контент на все устройства или на каждое устройство уникальный контент

Далее пользователю необходимо выбрать из списка устройств внизу необходимые устройства. Для поиска конкретных устройств может помочь строка поиска, которая работает по аналогии с зоной поиска описанной вначале статьи. После выставления всех параметров и выбора нужных устройств пользователю необходимо нажать вверху кнопку "Применить". Система покажет ему всплывающее сообщение, информирующее о том, что будет выбрано автоматически разрешение для видеостены с размером "3840"x"2160".

Пример оповещающего сообщения, всплывающего при нажатии клавиши "Применить"

Далее пользователю откроется окно с контентом, который необходимо разместить на видеостене. Пользователь должен добавить нужный контент, и произвести настройку как страницы, так и зоны контента по аналогии с настройками, описанными в категории "Создать трансляцию".

Категория "Добавить папку"

При нажатии на категорию "Создать папку" пользователь может создать папку и присвоить ей название.

Пример отображения окна создания новой папки

После присвоения названия пользователю необходимо нажать кнопку "Создать".

Итоговый результат

Пользователь знает и умеет работать с разделом трансляции. При этом он понимает возможности, расписанные в данном разделе, и умеет их использовать.