"Content on Devices" section

Материал из SmartPlayer
Версия от 15:51, 12 января 2024; N.Bloshkin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «== '''Final Step''' == After completing all the above steps, the user needs to click the "Save" button to save and apply all the configured parameters. == '''Final Result''' == Users know and understand how the "Content on Devices" section of the personal account works and are able to use it to create and configure broadcasts on devices.»)

"Content on Devices" Section

In the SmartPlayer personal account, there is a section named "Content on Devices".

The "Content on Device" section in the personal account

In this section, you can apply content to a specific device and set a schedule for it.

General view of the "Content on Devices" page

The structure of the section divides it into three blocks:

Division of the "Content on Devices" page into blocks
  1. Creating a broadcast
  2. Devices
  3. Schedule
Each block can only be used sequentially. That is, without the selected content in "Creating a Broadcast", it is impossible to move to the following blocks. The user will be informed about this through a pop-up notification at the bottom.
Pop-up notification

Operational Logic

As described above, these blocks work in a sequential order, so they will be described following the same principle.

"Creating a Broadcast" Block

Upon entering the "Content on Devices" section, the first thing the user will see is the "Creating a Broadcast" section.

Division of the "Creating a Broadcast" block into zones

This block can also be divided into several zones:

  1. Content working area
  2. Content search area
  3. Content area

Content Working Area

The content working area is quite extensive and difficult to consider as a single system. Therefore, it is better to divide it into categories.

Division of the "Creating a Broadcast" block into zones

The content working area consists of three categories:

  • General broadcast settings
  • Working with the content area
  • Working with the audio track
"General Broadcast Settings" Category

In the general broadcast settings, there is information about the broadcast and several tabs. These data include:

  • Broadcast name - the name of the current broadcast is indicated
  • Broadcast settings - allows setting parameters such as: name, parent folder, specifying the screen width and height. To apply all settings, click the "Save" button.
List of settings

Save settings - allows you to save the current broadcast settings. Do not save and close the editor - allows you to close the editor without making changes to the broadcast.

Example of the "General Broadcast Settings" category
"Working with the Content Area" Category

In the "Working with the Content Area" category, content is added and configured.

General view of the "Working with the Content Area" category

The entire category can be divided into three areas:

  • Adding and content settings - allows the following actions: move to the next/previous step, increase/decrease the scale, stretch the content to fit the entire area while maintaining/not maintaining proportions, stretch the content to any size while maintaining proportions, view animation settings for content, add a table.
  • Content working area - content needed by the user is added inside this area. After adding content, double-clicking the mouse opens additional settings for the content working area. In the opened settings, the following parameters can be set: "Arrange content continuously over time" checkbox, "Content looping mode in the area" checkbox, set the playback order, content name, content start time, duration, layer level, frequency of appearance, left and right margins, content width and height, transparency.
Additional settings for "Content Area"

Additional settings area - includes settings related to the timeline display mode (vertical, horizontal, and list), additional page settings (content duration in seconds and page volume level), and the ability to preview the broadcast.

Page settings
"Working with the Audio Track" Category

In the "Working with the Audio Track" category, there is interaction with audio.

Example of the "Working with the Audio Track" category

When working with audio, the following options are available:

  • Listen to the audio itself
  • Open sound track settings

Clicking on the icon opens a window with parameter settings. Inside the parameter window, there are:

  • Basic parameters - displays the number of audio tracks and technical information.
Example of basic parameters
  • Additional parameters - allows setting various audio parameters.

Additional parameters are located to the right of the basic parameters and include three tabs: In the audio track tab - you can change the volume on all contents.

"Audio Track" tab

In the tab will be presented all the selected content. In the auto-positioning tab, you can set the following parameters:

  • Specify advertising inserts
  • Set the volume level of advertising content
  • Specify background content
  • Set the volume level for background content
  • Set the playback order
  • Configure and calculate with a checkbox the possibility of alternating advertising content on a permanent basis or temporarily (in seconds).
"Auto-positioning" tab parameter

Content Search Area

The content search area includes basic functionality for searching, sorting, and adding content.

Components of the "Content Search Area" block

This area includes the following settings:

  • Search - allows finding a file with the desired content.
  • Change content display - switches the display from tile to list and vice versa.
  • Upload file - allows uploading a file with content.
  • "Path" of content location - shows the "path" where all content is stored.

Content Area

The content area includes several components.

Components of the "Content Area" block

These components include:

  • Sorting by content type - allows selecting a specific type of content from the available options.

The available content types can be: all content, images, videos, music, documents, links, text, tables, widgets, content on a connected device.

  • Ability to add a folder - allows adding a folder to the data storage.
  • Ability to add a widget - the ability to add a widget from the list of widgets available on the account.
  • List of available content - shows a general list of available content. The content display changes according to the sorting settings described above.

"Devices" Block

The next step is to move to the "Devices" block.

General view of the "Devices" block

This block is also divided into two areas. (screenshot) These two areas include:

  1. Search area
  2. Area with a list of devices

Search Area

The search area allows finding a specific device in the list and changing the display of devices on the page.

General view of the "Display Settings Area"

It consists of:

  1. Search bar - allows displaying the desired device by name.
  2. Path - shows in which folder the device is located.
  3. Advanced search settings - allow for more expanded and precise searches thanks to additional parameters. Descriptions are provided for each additional parameter to understand how they work. After setting the desired parameters, the user needs to click the "Search" button. If the user wants to disable additional parameters, they need to click the "Reset" button.
  4. Sorting - a list with options for sorting devices located in the personal account.
  5. Device selection - functionality that allows selecting or deselecting all devices, as well as groups of devices, for further actions. All selected devices are marked with a "Checkbox" icon, or the so-called "Tick".
  6. Device display - allows the user to choose how to display the available devices.

There are three display options available:

  • Tile - displays all devices in tile format.
  • List - displays all devices in list format.
  • Map - displays all devices using a geolocation map.
Example of key settings parameters

Device List Area

The device list area includes all devices added to this account.

Example of the device list

For the user to select a device and apply the content created in the "Creating a Broadcast" section, it is necessary to check the checkbox/tick on the device. This checkbox is placed in the upper right corner.

Example of a selected device with a checkbox

After selecting a specific device or several devices using the checkbox, a list of selected devices will appear in the right sidebar. The previously created content will be applied to these devices.

List of selected devices in the sidebar
If there is an unnecessary device in the list, the user can remove it. To do this, click on the "-" icon.

"Schedule" Block

The "Schedule" block consists of one area where all parameters need to be set.

General view of the schedule block

This block includes the following parameters that need to be specified:

  1. Start date/end date - for both parameters, either manually enter the date or select through the "Calendar" icon.
  2. Start time/end time - for both parameters, manually enter the time.
  3. Event repetition - has five statuses: once, daily, weekly, forever, specific days.
  4. "Apply for the whole day" checkbox - allows applying the created content to the device for the whole day.
  5. Priority settings - there are three types of priority: low, medium, high.
  6. Time choice checkboxes - have two types: "Use UTC time" and "Use local time".
  7. Automatic content upload to the device - allows selecting the date and time for the automatic upload of content to the device.

After completing the setup of all parameters, the user must click the "Save" button to apply the settings. Alternatively, the user can click the "Cancel" button, and they will be returned to the first block "Creating a Broadcast".

If the user does not see all the above settings when moving to this block, they need to click the "More" button.

Final Step

After completing all the above steps, the user needs to click the "Save" button to save and apply all the configured parameters.

Final Result

Users know and understand how the "Content on Devices" section of the personal account works and are able to use it to create and configure broadcasts on devices.