Translations:Novastar TB30 - How to install SmartPlayer application/1/en

Материал из SmartPlayer
Версия от 08:18, 21 августа 2024; N.Bloshkin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «== Description of the Situation == The SmartPlayer platform supports interaction with various devices running different operating systems. Some devices do not require additional manipulation to install SmartPlayer, but there are certain devices that do not launch SmartPlayer when following the standard installation procedure. One such non-standard device is the Novastar TB 30.»)
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Description of the Situation

The SmartPlayer platform supports interaction with various devices running different operating systems. Some devices do not require additional manipulation to install SmartPlayer, but there are certain devices that do not launch SmartPlayer when following the standard installation procedure. One such non-standard device is the Novastar TB 30.