Viewing the device's processor temperature in the personal account.

Материал из SmartPlayer
Версия от 14:08, 3 декабря 2024; N.Bloshkin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «== '''Description of the Situation''' == For devices running Tizen 6.5 and higher, there is now an option in the personal account to view the device's CPU temperature. This feature will allow users to monitor temperature readings in various operating modes of the device. == '''Action Algorithm''' == To view the CPU temperature, the user must be logged in to the SmartPlayer personal account.<br> Next, the user needs to go to the "Devices" section in the perso...»)

Description of the Situation

For devices running Tizen 6.5 and higher, there is now an option in the personal account to view the device's CPU temperature. This feature will allow users to monitor temperature readings in various operating modes of the device.

Action Algorithm

To view the CPU temperature, the user must be logged in to the SmartPlayer personal account.
Next, the user needs to go to the "Devices" section in the personal account.

Example of displaying the "Devices" section in the SmartPlayer personal account

After opening the "Devices" section page, the user must select the desired Tizen device by clicking on it. The selected device must be in on-line mode.

Example of displaying a selected on-line device in the SmartPlayer personal account

After clicking, a toolbar will appear on the right side of the screen, where the user must select the "Information" line.

Example of displaying the "Information" line in the device toolbar

After opening the "Information" line, the user must move to the left side of the screen, to the black background. By hovering the cursor over the black background, the user will be able to view the available information received from the device. The CPU temperature information will be displayed there as well.

Example of displaying the CPU temperature viewing parameter

Связанная информация

Информация о температуре CPU доступна владельцам устройств под управлением Tizen ver. 6.5 и выше.

Информацию о температуре CPU (процессора) устройства можно найти в значении "BOARD_TEMPERATURE" на странице описания API's от производителя Samsung.
Ссылка на страницу П 1.7

Пример отображения П 1.7 на странице официальной документации Samsung


Просмотр температуры CPU на устройстве Tizen

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