Translations:Раздел "Стелы АЗС"/3/en
Материал из SmartPlayer
Device Display Area
The standard display of devices is in the "Tile" format.
When switching to the "List" format, the display of gas station pylons also changes. In this display format, parameters that describe the gas station pylon appear.
These parameters include:
- Selection - allows selecting an existing pylon using a checkbox/tick.
This checkbox, once checked, opens additional settings in the right sidebar. They allow: removing the device from the list of selected ones, editing LPG parameters, deselecting the device. The same principle of action with the checkbox applies when displayed as "tiles".
- Identifier - shows the identifier of the gas station pylon.
- Name - displays the name of the gas station pylon.
- Status - shows the status of the gas station pylon (ON-line/Off-line).