Translations:Colorlight A35 Installation guide - How to install SmartPlayer application/4/en

Материал из SmartPlayer
Версия от 20:49, 16 сентября 2024; FuzzyBot (обсуждение | вклад) (FuzzyBot переименовал страницу Translations:ColorlightA35 Installation guide - How to install SmartPlayer application/4/en в Translations:Colorlight A35 Installation guide - How to install SmartPlayer application/4/en без оставления перенаправления: Часть переводимой страницы ColorlightA35 Installation guide - How to install SmartPlayer application.)
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Step 4: Setting up the Device Using the cloudSmart Program

Open the cloudSmart program. [[File .png|thumb|center| The cloudSmart program |800px]] Switch the language to English for easier interaction with the program.

Switching the language to "English"

Next, the user selects the "install app" option. [[File .png|thumb|center| "Install app" option |800px]] In the next step, a window will open to select the APK file of the SmartPlayer application. [[File файл.png|thumb|center| Selecting the APK file for installation |800px]] After selecting the necessary APK file and its installation, a message will appear indicating successful installation.

Message indicating successful installation