Translations:Сертификация клиентского приложения на Android устройстве/2/en

Материал из SmartPlayer
Версия от 16:03, 6 февраля 2025; N.Bloshkin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «== '''Action Algorithm''' == {{Note|The functionality for device testing in client applications will work with ver. 1.78+|warn}} This test will appear upon the first launch of the client application on a device running Android OS. thumb|center| Example of test display on the client application for Android OS|800px The user needs to press the "Start Check" button located on the right side of the screen to...»)
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Action Algorithm

The functionality for device testing in client applications will work with ver. 1.78+

This test will appear upon the first launch of the client application on a device running Android OS.

Example of test display on the client application for Android OS

The user needs to press the "Start Check" button located on the right side of the screen to initiate the test.

Example of the "Start Check" button display

The next step will show a modal window with a list of settings and enabled checkboxes.

If necessary, some steps can be disabled using the checkbox, but this is not recommended on the first run.
Example of checkboxes for starting the test

Next, the user starts the testing process by pressing the "Start" button. Before launching the tests, a warning about epilepsy will be displayed.

Pre-prepared video content stored in the cloud is used for testing. The device must have network access.

At this stage, the device conducts tests according to all the selected checkbox scenarios. During the test process, the user should observe each verification step.

Example of Test 1
Example of Test 2
Example of Test 3
If the client application stops working at any step of the test, the device will receive 0 points for that stage. In case of an error, crash, or freeze, the test should be restarted, disabling the step that caused the issue via the checkbox.
Example of a problematic step display

After completing all tests, the user will receive the results in the form of a list with scores. This concludes the device testing process.

Example of test result display for an Android OS device

By pressing the "Done" button, the user will receive an individual assessment for each characteristic with color indication.

Example of results with characteristic indications

After completing the test, the system will display both the overall result and the results for each characteristic. The rating system used in the test is described in detail below.

Rating System

If a characteristic contains both a green and a red parameter, the result will be based on the worst outcome.

Android Version:

  • Green - 9-11
  • Yellow - 7-8 or 11+
  • Red - below 7

Root Access:

  • Green - Yes
  • Red - No

RAM (Random Access Memory):

  • Green - 2 GB
  • Yellow - 1.5 GB to 2 GB
  • Red - below 1.5 GB

Internal Storage (Total Storage Size):

  • Green - more than 10 GB
  • Yellow - 8 GB to 10 GB
  • Red - below 8 GB

Available Storage (Free Space):

  • Green - more than 2 GB
  • Yellow - 1 GB to 2 GB
  • Red - below 1 GB

Network Interfaces (Wi-Fi and Ethernet):

  • Green - at least one network interface is available
  • Red - both are missing

Video Decoders - Displays the names of the used decoders. Clicking on the row expands a full description of the decoders.

Overall Score

Evaluated as follows:

  • Green - from 7 to 10
  • Yellow - from 5 to 7
  • Red - from 0 to 5

Additional Information

If this article does not help you use the functionality as intended or if you still have questions after reading it, you can ask them in the "Discussions" section at the top of the page.

Example of the "Discussions" tab display on the wiki page

Additional information can also be found on the page Как взаимодействовать пользователю с разделом "Обсуждения".