BrightSign OS

Материал из SmartPlayer
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BrightSign are professional network media players supporting HTML5 / JavaScript and other web technologies. BrightSign player can be built into the panel and supplied as a one-piece monoblock.

Supported devices

BrightSign FW version SmartPlayer support
8.x.x Yes
7.x.x Yes
6.x.x No
5.x.x No

All modern players come with firmware 8.x.x and are supported by SmartPlayer. The application can only be launched from a MicroSD card, it will not start from Flash memory. We recommend using MicroSD, since they are protected from external factors (they are closed with a protective piece of iron on the screw) and are more compact, which excludes the possibility of "accidental" falling out of the USB socket.

  • Serial 4: HD224, HD1024, HS124, HS144, LS424
  • Serial 3: HD223, HD1023, LS423, HO523

All players:
Comparison of all players:

Initial setup

Preparing the device for launch

To configure the network parameters (Internet / WiFi / Modem) on the device, you need to use BrightAuthor: connected. Available for download at BrightAuthor:connected allows you to configure device parameters, including network parameters. The network parameter settings depend on the connected network. Video instructions:

Firmware update

It is good practice to update your firmware to the latest version. How to find out and update your current firmware:

Preparing MicroSD card

1. How to choose a MicroSD card - Recommended MicroSD Cards -
2. Format in exFAT format - ... The microSD memory size will determine the amount of available memory for the SmartPlayer app. After formatting, there should be an empty MicroSD, no third-party files.
3. Put the client application received from the SmartPlayer representative into the root of the formatted flash drive. The final composition of the files is shown in the screenshot. Never modify the files located in the folder "sp_app" and "autorun.brs", this will lead to incorrect operation of the application (or not starting the application by the system). All manipulations with files in the 'sp_app' folder take place through the SmartPlayer personal account.


4. Insert the MicroSD into the slot on your device
5. Pull out the power supply and insert it back to reboot the device (the power button on the device case will not work if the card inserted when the device was powered on). The first launch can take up to three minutes (depends on microSD).
6. If the device is connected to the Internet, a nine-digit registration code will be displayed.
7. Next, follow the instructions

Working with audio (volume)

On BrightSign, there is no such thing as a volume level on a device. The volume level is set to specific content. Content can be video (with an audio track), audio, etc. SmartPlayer supports setting the volume for content when creating a broadcast, which you can use if you need to play content at a certain volume level.

Current version limitation (will be added in next version)

  • no support for proof-of-play statistics (disabled)
  • no support for 4K content (it will play but in FullHD mode)
  • no support for setting the date and time from the SmartPlayer personal account
  • no support for vertical mode

Updating the application manually

1. Disconnect the power from the device and remove the microSD from the device
2. Rename folder to MircoSD sp_app to sp_app_old
3. Delete autorun.brs file
4. Unzip the archive with the new version to the microSD root (the sp_app folder and the updated autorun.brs will appear)
5. Create cache folder in sp_app
6. Create CONFIG folder in sp_app / cache
7. Copy file /sp_app_old/cache/CONFIG/device.txt to folder /sp_app/cache/CONFIG/device.txt
8. Delete sp_app_old folder
9. Insert MircoSD into device and power on