Sync Playlist With Different Contents

Материал из SmartPlayer
Версия для печати больше не поддерживается и может содержать ошибки обработки. Обновите закладки браузера и используйте вместо этого функцию печати браузера по умолчанию.
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Другие языки:


Synchronization of playlists - synchronization of playback of different types of content (videos, pictures, widgets) at the playlist level. In this case, it is guaranteed that all devices in the group that have synchronization enabled will play the playlist in the same time positions.

  1. Devices must be connected to RJ45 and be on the same LAN
  2. Create a group of devices, and move devices into it on which content synchronization is required
  3. Next, you need to configure this group: Settings → webOS platform → Synchronize content → Yes → Save changes

Platform Support

WebOS 3.2 / 4.0 / 4.1, starting from the version of the client application v1.28.0 and higher

Restrictions on playing

Broadcast with one zone. There may be slight delays (up to 300 ms) when switching contents (at the interface), this is caused by the internal rendering mechanisms of the UI at the operating system level. If you need frame-to-frame synchronization, you need to do synchronization only from Videowall , since only video files have frame concepts.

Broadcast setup

  1. Add a new broadcast by choosing Broadcasts - Create Broadcast.
  2. Add a new zone to the broadcast, move the required content list to it.

Final result

A playlist is played on a group of devices synchronously in its duration.

Bug fixes

If desynchronization is visually observed, you need to wait for a couple of playlist cycles to play. Synchronization may have been interrupted by a network problem or other reasons. Wait for about two cycles of playlists to play and synchronization will be restored. Similar behavior will be if a new member is connected to a group of synchronized devices, it takes about 2 playlist cycles for it to sync with the group.