
From SmartPlayer
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Creating video walls using the SmartPlayer platform (SyncPlay)

Launching Samsung (SSSP2,3,4,5,6) and LG (webOS 3, 3.2, 4) devices in video wall mode

  1. Panels must be connected to RJ45 and be on the same network
  2. Create a group of devices, and move devices to it on which content synchronization is required
  3. Next, you need to configure this group: Settings → Samsung platform 4/5 (SSSP 4/5) → Synchronize content → Yes → Save changes

Showcase mode

  • If it is necessary to broadcast the content frame by frame on the panels (showcase mode), then a single broadcast is added to the device group

Video Wall Mode

  • For videowall mode, a separate broadcast is created for each panel.

Content Features

  • Playlist for 2 different broadcasts when using video wall mode must be equal in time
  • Videos to be used must have the same FPS (frames per second)
  • Synchronization is only possible with video files. If you use an image, you must first convert it to video format using the built-in video editor
  • Video must be without milliseconds. Those. Allowed 10 seconds, 11 seconds, etc. 10.34 seconds and so on are not allowed. Integer values ​​only.
  • Videos in broadcasts must be of the same duration. Example. Two broadcasts, the total time of each is 1 minute. The content of the first broadcast is 2 videos of 30 seconds each, the content of the second broadcast is 2 videos but also 30 seconds. If there were 2 videos in the second broadcast, but video 1 is 10 seconds, video 2 is 50 seconds, then there would be no synchronization.
  • Standard video parameters for a video wall: resolution 1920x1080, frame rate 25, h264 codec, .mp4 container, no audio track
  • All videos must be of the same resolution in the playlist that is synced

Run on a Windows computer

Video wall with unique geometry

There are 3 options for solving this case:

  • Deployment on computer with 8 hdmi outputs. Each output gives its own piece of video, the video is broadcast as a single surface, each panel receives its own part of the image. In your personal account, you need to create one large broadcast. At the stage of creating a video, the designer needs to paint over unused areas with black. The broadcast resolution is counted as a rectangle (or square).

  • Deployment oncomputer with 8 hdmi outputs. In your personal account, we create 8 broadcast zones, each zone has its own piece of video. The designer needs to cut the video into chunks. Also in this mode, you can display a separate image on each panel.

  • Deployment using intel nuc i5. Through 1 hdmi output, a single image is broadcast, the panels are connected via DisplayPort and each takes its own part of the image. The hardware solution is cheaper, but it requires complex preparation of the content by the designer. If the video wall is made on the UD55E-B panels in the settings of the prof. Samsung panels will need to indicate from the remote control which device is counted in the video wall.

'Important! Via DisplayPort (panelsUD55E-B) video can be output at a maximum resolution of 4096 x 2160 (4K). Since the panels are connected in parallel, the total canvas will be no more than 4K resolution. Those. if a video wall of 8 devices is assembled, a resolution of more than 4K is obtained, but this quality cannot be obtained through DisplyPort, if you need a better quality, see option 2.

Running Android OS devices in video wall mode

  1. Devices must be connected to RJ45 and be on the same network.
  2. Create a group of devices, and move devices to it on which content synchronization is required
  3. Next, you need to configure this group: Settings → Android platform → Synchronize content → Yes → Save changes

Content Features

  • Playlist for 2 different broadcasts when using video wall mode must be equal in time
  • Videos to be used must have the same FPS (frames per second)
  • Synchronization is only possible with video files. If you use an image, you must first convert it to video format using the built-in video editor
  • Videos in broadcasts must be the same in time. Example. Two broadcasts, the total time of each is 1 minute. The content of the first broadcast is 2 videos of 30 seconds each, the content of the second broadcast is 2 videos but also 30 seconds. If there were 2 videos in the second broadcast, but video 1 is 10 seconds, video 2 is 50 seconds, then there would be no synchronization.
  • Standard video parameters for a video wall: resolution 1920x1080, frame rate 25, h264 codec, .mp4 container, no audio track
  • All videos must be of the same resolution in the playlist that is synced
  • The same FPS for all videos in the playlist, which is synchronized
  • The same bitrate for all videos in the playlist, which is synchronized
  • The presence (or absence) of an audio track for all videos in the playlist, which is synchronized

It is possible (but not recommended) to sync different Android OS device models.