Dynamic metrics widget

Материал из SmartPlayer
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Description of the Situation

The "Dynamic Metrics Control" widget was created to demonstrate the capabilities of the platform and is responsible for accounting and controlling the metrics necessary for display on screens.

Example of a configured widget display

Adding the Widget to the Personal Account

To add this widget to the personal account, the user needs to request the widget from the technical support team specialist. It will be provided in a ".zip" archive format.

Example of the widget in a ".zip" archive

After that, the user must log in to their personal account and go to the "Content" section.

Example of the "Content" section in the personal account

In the "Content" section, the user needs to drag and drop the widget from local storage into the "Content" section. Once the user moves the widget to the personal account, it will appear in the content list.

Example of widget transfer using drag-and-drop
If the user has a lot of different content in their personal account, they can use the sorting function and select the "Widget" content type. By using this functionality, they can view all widgets added to the personal account.
Example of correct sorting for easier widget search

Preparing the SFTP Server

The widget works in conjunction with an SFTP server. The SFTP server can be deployed in advance by the customer or deployed specifically for working with this widget.
An ".xlsx" file with specific filled fields and data is added to the SFTP server.

An example file for the SFTP server can be downloaded via [link].

Then, the server application checks for the presence of the file at a specified interval (by default, every 10 seconds, this parameter is adjustable).
If the required ".xlsx" file is present, it reads the file and writes the information from it to the database (DB). After writing, the file itself is deleted from the cache.
Next, the widget requests data from the DB located on the server using a specific method. The server must return the necessary data specifically to the widget.
After receiving the information from the server, the widget processes it and displays it on the device screen.

Widget Main Page

After opening the widget in the SmartPlayer personal account in the "Content" section, the user will see the widget's main page. It will display the required metrics (if the SFTP server is configured correctly and sends data to the widget) and a settings icon in the form of a gear. To access the widget settings, the user needs to click on the gear icon.

Example of the settings icon display

Widget Settings

By clicking the gear icon, the user will be taken to the widget settings page. On this page, the user can configure the following parameters:

  • Language selection - allows the user to choose one of the available languages for working with the widget: Russian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Kazakh.
  • Server URL - the URL for API connection is entered. For example: "https://develop-api.smartplayer.org/"
  • Device ID - the device identifier is specified, which can be viewed for each device separately in the device parameters in the "Devices" section. Example of a device ID: "3ac6f92191bdc4ecb96e23019202fead6cf6959131b6723eaa9b7c00c8c3a4e2"
  • Font - allows the user to choose one of the available fonts for the widget: "Helvetica", "Pixeloid Sans", "Dited".
  • Full-width display checkbox - activates the functionality of stretching the widget to the full width of the screen after creating a broadcast with this widget on the device.
  • Table switch interval - specifies the time (in seconds) after which the table displayed on the screen will change.
Example of widget settings display

After completing the widget setup, the user must click the "Apply Settings" button in the lower right corner of the screen.

Example of the "Apply Settings" button display

Next, the widget will stretch to full screen, and the user must click the "Save" button at the bottom center of the screen.

Example of the "Save" button display

Loading and Downloading Settings

While interacting with the widget settings, the user can upload and download the widget settings. Each of these actions can be performed using separate icons in the widget interface. The icons are located at the bottom center of the widget.

Example of the upload and download settings icons display

Adding a Configured Widget to a Broadcast

To fully explore this functionality, the user needs to start a scheduled broadcast and add this widget as content. To review the previously described steps for creating a broadcast and schedule, it is recommended to refer to the following Wikipedia articles:

Video Tutorial

Metrics Control Widget

Additional Information

If this article does not help in using the functionality as intended or if questions remain after reading it, these questions can be raised in the "Discussions" section at the top of the page.

Example of the "Discussions" tab display on the wiki page

Additional information can also be found on the page Как взаимодействовать пользователю с разделом "Обсуждения".