"Schedule" section

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"Broadcasts" Section

In the SmartPlayer user dashboard, there's a section frequently used by users for managing broadcasts. This section is called "Schedule".

Example of the "Schedule" section in the user dashboard

In this section, users can set up and schedule devices and completed broadcasts.

Main Page

Upon navigating to the schedule creation page in the user dashboard, the main page of the section will open.

Example of the main page of the "Schedule" section

This page can be divided into two categories:

  • Screens
  • Broadcasts
Example of page division into categories

"Screens" Category

The "Screens" category can be divided into two zones:

  • Search zone
  • Devices zone

Search Area

This area includes parameters related to search and broadcast settings.

Example of a search area in the schedule section

The parameters in this area include:

  • Search bar - allows you to enter the name of an advertising campaign and find it.
  • Advertising campaign statuses - allows you to sort available advertising campaigns by three statuses: completed, current, future.
  • Sorting - allows you to sort advertising campaigns by the following parameters: creation date, by name (from "A" to "Z"/ from "Z" to "A"), status (On-line/Off-line), devices, and device groups.
  • Selection (selecting/deselecting) - allows you to select all advertising campaigns or deselect all advertising campaigns.
  • Display format - allows you to choose the format for displaying completed advertising campaigns in two options: tile or list.
List View

If the user chooses list view, the available schedules will change their appearance.

List view of advertising campaigns

After changing the display, the user will see the following schedule parameters:

  • Selection (selecting/deselecting)
  • Schedule identifier (in numerical value)
  • Device name
  • Identification
  • Device status (On-line/Off-line)
  • Registration code
  • Creation date
  • Device address
  • Blocked items

Device Zone

The device zone includes a list of available devices in the personal account.

Device zone in the schedule section

In this zone, you can select devices to assign schedules to. You can select multiple devices by clicking on the checkbox in the upper right.

Selecting devices using a checkbox/tick

After selecting a device, it will appear on the right side of the screen in a separate sidebar.

Sidebar on the right with selected devices

On the selected devices, you can view the scheduled broadcasts using the "Show schedule" button.

Example with the schedule of selected devices

"Broadcasts" Category

The "Broadcasts" category is also divided into two areas:

  • Search Area
  • Ready Schedules Area
Division into areas of the "Broadcasts" category

Search Area

In the search area, you can select or find a device/broadcast with a scheduled timetable.
It is also possible to sort it by duration: month, week, day.

Example of a search bar with duration sorting parameters.

Ready Schedules Area

Within this area, the user can view all the schedules applied to the devices previously selected by them.

Example of a broadcast list.

In this area, it is possible to create a new schedule by clicking on the "+" icon in the sidebar on the right.

Example of a sidebar with the option to add a broadcast.

The user also has the option to check/uncheck the box in the top right corner under the search bar to "Show past schedules".

Example of a checkbox/tick to enable the display of past schedules.

Creating a Schedule

Inside the SmartPlayer personal account, there are two ways to create a schedule. One is mentioned above through the "+" icon in the broadcast list.
Example of a sidebar with the option to add a broadcast.

The second option allows you to create a broadcast immediately after going to the "Schedule" section. On the main page of the section, you need to click the "Close" icon, displayed as a cross icon in the upper right corner.

Example of displaying the icon to close the start page and move to creating a broadcast

After closing the start page of the "Schedule" section, the schedule creation page will open. This page will be presented in the form of a calendar.

Example of displaying the page in the form of a calendar

On this page, the user needs to select a specific date, and in the right sidebar, click on the "+" icon (under the number of today's date).

Example of displaying the page in the form of a calendar

After clicking on this icon, the user will be taken to a page that can be divided into two areas: Schedule parameters area Device/broadcast selection area

Example of displaying the schedule creation page, divided into areas

Schedule Parameters Area

The schedule parameters area includes a list of parameters that need to be configured to create a schedule.

Schedule parameters list
To display all available parameters from this list, the user needs to press the "More" button.

The list includes the following parameters:

  • Start Date - allows setting the start date of the schedule.
  • End Date - allows setting the end date of the schedule.
  • Repeat - allows setting the schedule's recurrence: once, daily, weekly, forever, specific days.
  • Start Time - allows setting the start time of the schedule.
  • End Time - allows setting the end time of the schedule.
  • Checkbox/Tick for "All Day" duration - allows applying the schedule duration for a full day using a checkbox/tick.
  • Schedule Priority - allows setting the schedule's priority among three options: low, medium, high.
  • Use Time Toggle - allows selecting the time system to be used from two options: local time and UTC time.
  • Upload Content to Device - allows setting the date and time when the necessary content will be uploaded to the device.

Device/Broadcast Selection Area

In this area, the user first selects which device and which broadcast to apply the schedule with the parameters set above. By choosing the "Devices" category, the user selects the device or devices to which they will apply the schedule. This is done by checking the checkbox/tick at the top right of the desired device.

Selecting a device using a checkbox/tick
If there are many devices in the personal account, you can use the search bar. It can make it easier to find a specific device.

After selecting a device, it will be displayed as a list in the sidebar on the right.

Selected devices in the right sidebar.

When switching to the "Broadcasts" category, the user selects the ready-made broadcast to which they will apply the schedule. This is done by clicking on the broadcast. The final step for the user is to press the "Save" button at the top center of the screen for the schedule to apply to the specific devices.
If there are no overlaps with other schedules, the user's schedule will be applied immediately. If there are other schedules that overlap with the user's schedule, the system will display a window. This window warns about the "overlap" of schedules and offers a solution to the current situation.

Example of schedule conflict

If the user agrees with the solution, they can press the "Save" button, and the schedule will be applied to the selected device and broadcast.

Final Result

Users know and understand how the schedule mode works in the SmartPlayer personal account. They understand how this functionality can be applied to devices and broadcasts.