Translations:Адаптация клиентского приложения под Raspberry PiZero/1/en

Материал из SmartPlayer

Description of the Situation

Due to the emerging needs of certain users, the SmartPlayer team has developed a solution enabling the use of the client application on devices running Raspberry PiZero. At present, stable operation of this device and playback of required content from the personal cabinet on the device has been achieved.
The Raspberry PiZero device is relatively "weak" from a technical standpoint, which necessitated optimization of the client application (through hardware acceleration of the device). This optimization resulted in the removal of some features.

You can obtain the SmartPlayer client application distribution from SmartPlayer technical support specialists.

Changes to the Operation Parameters of the Client Application

For the proper functioning of the SmartPlayer client application, the following adjustments were made for Raspberry PiZero:

  • The client application operates at a resolution of "800x600".

This resolution is used to enhance the device's performance, allowing it to play content.

  • The swap file size in the Raspberry PiZero image has been increased from the standard "512 MB" to "2 GB".

Increasing the swap file size prevents failures due to insufficient RAM, maintains stability for resource-intensive applications, and supports multitasking, but may slow performance due to slower memory access.

Changes to Device Operation Parameters

To ensure stable content display on the device, the following changes were made to the Raspberry PiZero hardware:

  • The processor frequency arm_freq was increased from the base value of 1000MHz to 1200MHz, i.e., the processor clock speed was overclocked.
  • The RAM frequency core_freq was increased from the base value of 400MHz to 500MHz.


With all the above improvements, the Raspberry PiZero device was able to play content in 720p (HD) format, i.e., at a resolution of 1280x720.

Additional Information

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