Translations:Параметры потоков/1/en
Situation Description
During the operation of stream flows on devices running Android OS, it was observed that some users encountered issues with correctly configuring streams. To address this problem, this article was created to outline the recommended requirements for streams. As stream testing progresses by the SmartPlayer development team, this article will be updated, and users will be able to review recommendations for all types supported by the SmartPlayer platform.
Tested Streams
Currently, the requirements for the following streams have been verified:
Requirements for RTSP Streams
For RTSP streams with a Full HD camera, the following recommended requirements are used:
- Codec: H264
- Type: video
- Video resolution: 1920x1080
- Buffer size: 1920x1088
- Frame rate (FPS): 25 frames
- Orientation: top-left
- Chromaticity positioning: left

For RTSP streams with an HD camera, the following recommended requirements are used:
- Codec: H264
- Type: video
- Video resolution: 640x360
- Buffer size: 640x368
- Frame rate (FPS): 25 frames
- Orientation: top-left
- Chromaticity positioning: left

Additional Information
If this article does not help in using the functionality as intended or if questions remain after reading it, these questions can be raised in the "Discussion" section at the top of the page.

Additional information can also be found on the page Как взаимодействовать пользователю с разделом "Обсуждения"