Translations:Раздел "Отчёты"/7/en

Материал из SmartPlayer

License Report

This feature allows you to generate a report on licenses linked to devices. The parameters for generating the report are identical to the parameters in the "Survey Report" section. If all settings are configured, the user can start the report creation process by clicking the "Create report" button.

General view of the "License Report" section

Currency Report

This feature allows you to generate a report on currencies. It includes a list of parameters on which the report is built. The parameters for generating the report are identical to the parameters in the "Survey Report" section. If all settings are configured, the user can start the report creation process by clicking the "Create report" button.

General view of the "Currency Report" section

Report Download

After the data is collected for the selected report and uploaded to the device, the user can view the downloaded report in the "Downloads" section of the browser or on their personal device.
The downloaded document has the extension .xlsx, which can be opened using MS Excel.

Final Result

Users understand how the "Report" section works and know how to use this functionality.