Translations:Раздел "Стелы АЗС"/4/en

Материал из SmartPlayer

Gas Station Pylons Display Area

The "Gas Station Pylons Display" area includes a list of gas station pylons linked to the personal account.

General view of the "Gas Station Pylons Display" area

When a device is selected using the checkbox/tick at the top right of the device area, a sidebar with additional settings opens.

Example of a sidebar with settings

The appearing sidebar allows:

  1. Removing the selection of a specific device using the "-" icon.
  2. Deleting all selected items using the trash bin icon.
  3. Editing the set LPG labels.
  4. Canceling the selection, thereby deselecting all devices.

Device Settings

By clicking on the gas station pylon field, a list of its settings can be opened.

List of gas station pylon settings

The list of settings for gas station pylons includes:

  • Editing pylon parameters - allows changing the parameters of the pylon by clicking on the "Pencil" icon.
  • Deleting the pylon - allows removing the gas station pylon by clicking on the "Trash Bin" icon.
  • Network Converter - provides information about the network converter.
  • Current data from the controller - transmits current data from the controller.
  • Settings - in this section, synchronization can be turned on or off.
  • Location - this section gives information about the location of the pylon.