Translations:Раздел "Стелы АЗС"/9/en

Материал из SmartPlayer

Device Settings

By clicking on the gas station stela field, you can open the stela's settings.

List of gas station stela settings

The list of gas station stela settings includes:

  • Editing stela parameters - allows changing the stela's parameters by clicking on the "Pencil" icon.
  • Deleting a stela - allows deleting a gas station stela by clicking on the "Trash Can" icon.
  • Network Converter - provides information about the network converter.
  • Current data from the controller - transmits current data from the controller.
  • Settings - in this section, you can enable or disable the synchronization of displayed information.
  • Location - this section provides information about the stela's location.
Network Converter

The user can go to the settings section titled "Network Converter".

Data from the "Network Converter" section.

In this section, they can find data about the network converter:

  1. Information can be obtained about: the status of the network converter, its MAC address, firmware version, and model.
  2. The ability to set a password for the TCP server and a password for managing the network converter. It's important to consider case sensitivity when entering.
It's advisable to record and save the entered passwords separately. If the user loses them, they will face difficulties in regaining access to the stela. In the event of losing access, the user will have to pay an additional fee and wait for access restoration.

Also, in the "Network Converter" section, an online reboot of the stela can be performed. There is a special button for this.

The "Reboot" button