Translations:Раздел "Устройства"/11/en

Материал из SmartPlayer

"Add Group" Item

This allows you to add several devices to one group at once.
After clicking on the "Add Group" line, a small window will open asking you to enter the name of the group.

Example of a group name window

After entering the name of the group and clicking the "Save" button, the user is taken to the main page of the created group. It contains several working zones:

  1. Page Formatting Zone
  2. List of Devices Zone
  3. Additional Features Zone
Zoned section of device groups

Each of these zones will be described in more detail below.

"Display Page" Zone

The page formatting zone allows you to configure the display of devices in the group as shown on the user's screen. Its operation is identical to the principles described earlier in the article.

General view of the "Page Display" zone