Translations:Раздел "Устройства"/16/en

Материал из SmartPlayer
"Working with Devices" Zone

The "Working with Devices" zone consists of two blocks:

  1. Device Display Parameters
  2. Device List
Search options

The "Device Display Parameters" block includes the following parameters:

  1. Search Bar - allows displaying the needed device by name.
  2. Path - shows in which folder the device is located.
  3. Advanced Search Settings - enable more detailed and targeted search thanks to additional parameters. A description is made for each of the parameters to understand how they work. After setting the required parameters, the user needs to click the "Search" button. If the user wishes to disable the additional parameters, they need to click the "Reset" button.
  4. Sorting - a list with sorting options for devices located in the personal account.
  5. Device Selection - functionality that allows selecting or deselecting all devices, as well as groups of devices, for further action. All selected devices are marked with a "Checkbox" icon or the so-called "Tick."
  6. Display Devices - allows the user to choose in what format to display the available devices.

These parameters operate on the same principle as the display parameters on the home page of the "Devices" section. The "Device List" block displays a list of devices and device groups that can be selected for updating. It is identical to what has been described earlier.

"Selected Devices" Zone

The "Selected Devices" zone is a sidebar that displays the selected devices or groups of devices chosen for updating.

Example of selected devices to update

By clicking on the icon with a "minus" sign, you can deselect the chosen device.