Translations:Тип проигрывания объявления "Рекламщики"/2/en

Материал из SmartPlayer

Playback Types

There are three types of settings available in this parameter:

  1. Between Broadcast Content - allows you to add an ad to the current broadcast schedule after the list of broadcast content has played
  2. At a Specific Time - allows you to add an ad to the current broadcast schedule. During the ad playback, the current broadcast will be paused, and after the ad has fully played, the broadcast will resume from where it was paused.
  3. Advertisers - allows you to add an ad to the current broadcast schedule. The ad will be replaced with fillers located in the selected broadcast time interval. (this option is necessary).
List of playback types available when creating an ad

Next, you need to perform the other stages of setting the parameters required for creating an ad. These parameters can be found in the article Announcements.

Content Setup for the Ad

After selecting the content on the main page, the user has the option to edit it. To do this, click on the "Edit" icon in the form of a pencil in the right toolbar to open the content parameters window.
Example of the "Edit" icon.

After clicking, the user will see a window that allows them to change the following parameters:

  • Duration - indicates the length of the content in seconds
  • Playback Frequency - shows the ratio of the ad content to the main broadcast. In this case, with a value of "1", the ad content will appear once in the broadcast and replace a certain segment of the broadcast. With a value of 1/2, the content will be shown once in every two full broadcast cycles, replacing a certain segment in the first broadcast.
Example of content parameters in the ad.

Video Instruction

Playback Type "Advertisers"

Final Outcome

The user understands the differences between ad insertion types and knows how to use the required types in the broadcast.