
Материал из SmartPlayer

"Main Settings" Page

The "Main Settings" Page
Location of the "pencil" icon and transition to further time playback settings.

On the "Main Settings" page, you need to configure all the settings for the correct operation of the announcements:

  1. Name - Here you enter the name of the announcement.
  2. Additional Description - In this section, you can add a description/comment for the broadcast.
  3. Start Date - Set the date when the announcement will start "intervening" in the broadcast schedule. By clicking the "Calendar" icon, a calendar window will appear where you can select the desired date.
  4. End Date - Set the date when the announcement will stop playing. By clicking the "Calendar" icon, a calendar window will appear where you can select the desired date.
  5. Playback Type - Indicates the format of the announcement insertion that will be used. There are three options available: between content and broadcast, at a specific time, or for advertisers.
  6. Play Announcement - Allows you to specify the interval for the announcement playback.
  7. Time Format - Allows you to choose between "UTC Time" and "Local Time." It is recommended to use "Local Time."
  8. "Next" Button - Allows you to proceed to the next stage of settings. The "Next" button will only work if content is selected; otherwise, a warning window will appear.
  9. "Cancel" Button - Allows you to return to the main page of the "Announcements" section.
Warning window

This page also includes a content management window, which consists of:

Content management window
  1. Search Window - Allows you to find content by typing the file name in the search bar.
  2. Sorting - Sorts content by three parameters: creation date, name, size.
  3. Content Selection - Allows you to select all content at once or deselect it if it was already selected.
  4. Display Options - Allows you to choose how the content is displayed, either as tiles or as a list.
  5. Upload File - Allows you to upload content directly from the user's device.
  6. Content Location Path - Shows the path where the content is located.
  7. Content Type - Allows you to filter content into "images" and "videos" by clicking on it.