Translations:Campaigns preview/2/en

Материал из SmartPlayer


After a user logs into their SmartPlayer personal account, they need to navigate to the "Ad Blocks" section.

The "Ad Blocks" section in the SmartPlayer personal account.

In the ad blocks section, the user needs to select the "View" category.

Example of the "View" category display.

After clicking on this category, a new window will open displaying the main page of the "View" category. The opened page can be divided into three key zones:

  1. Devices - the area with devices on which the ad campaign is assigned.
  2. Date - the area where the user selects the date to collect information about ad campaigns.
  3. Ad campaign composition - displays the list of ad campaign content for a specific device.
Division into zones of the "View" category.

"Devices" Zone

The "Devices" zone consists of a list of devices on which ad campaigns are created.

Example of device list display in the "Devices" zone.

Until the user highlights any ad campaign in the adjacent "Ad Campaign Composition" zone, it will be empty white space. After highlighting any available ad campaign, the "Ad Campaign Composition" zone will start displaying information about the selected ad campaign.

Example of display differences.

By clicking the "-" icon, a device with an ad campaign can be removed from the list, after confirming this action through a modal window by pressing "Yes".

Example of device removal from the ad campaign display.
When viewing, the user sees the device name, not the ad campaign name. Therefore, if a user wants to change one of the existing ad campaigns in the personal account, they must definitely check which device the ad campaign is linked to. It is recommended to do this to ensure the user does not get confused and only changes the necessary ad campaign.